
Mediation & Coaching


Note: All services available via webcam. Geography is no limitation.

Coaching sessions are based on conflict transformation principles, and coaching often occurs individually during the mediation process. However, you need not be in active conflict in order to benefit from coaching sessions. Inner turmoil, doubts and fears about your direction in life or just less than optimal quality of life are all great reasons to reach out for support.

Anu holds the same goal for all his clients, which is not only to resolve the issue at hand, but to help transform the person/s involved to become more able to handle their future conflicts proactively using an upgraded skill set that they’ve learned via our work together. Inspired by the work of Marshall Rosenberg, John Paul Lederach, Ron Kurtz, Bill Ury, Tony Robbins and too many others to name, Anu holds a genuine joy for assisting others in transforming their relationships to more loving and connected ones.

“At the core of all anger is a need that is not being fulfilled.”

— Marshall Rosenberg

“All violence is the result of people tricking themselves into believing that their pain derives from other people and that consequently those people deserve to be punished.”

— John Paul Lederach


1 on 1 Compassionate Communication Coaching

Couples/ Family Compassionate Communication Coaching

Multi-party Mindful Mediation



  • Masters of Arts in Peace and Justice Studies with focus on Conflict Transformation and Restorative Justice, University of San Diego

  • Mediated in San Diego court system, and for Restorative Justice Mediation Program with at risk youth

  • Worked with MercyCorps, USAID, and a local agency ADIM in Guatemala’s Western Highlands following a 36 year civil war

  • Trained directly with founder Marshall Rosenberg in Nonviolent Communication

  • Trained directly with founder Ron Kurtz in Hakomi Mindfulness Based psychotherapy

  • Trained directly with Tony Robbins. Attended Tony Robbins’s Unleash the Power Within, Date With Destiny, Business Mastery, Life and Wealth Mastery and Leadership Academy

  • Completed Robbins- Madanes Coaching Training